Wednesday 19 October 2011

No More Cursed Wednesdays!

So I always thought Wednesdays were cursed.. Idk why but this day was always screwed up in one way or another.. In college we have a class at 8 on Wednesday which means early studying which means dead me.. I mean come on, who can study THAT early? And that too an Islamiat class in Urdu, though I take it in English but there aren't any classes arranged for people taking it in English so I'm forced to take the class that is in Urdu.. I don't even get all the names n stuff..

 Anyway, today, surprisingly, was different.. I actually had an awesome day! =D What we(friends) did shall remain a secret but it was AWESOME! ha-ha..

And when I came back home I made this amazing something(that's what I'm calling the dish since it doesn't really have a name=p) ..It was mustard, mayo, ketchup and HP sauce mixed together on a roti topped with chopped nuggets and cheese.. I added the cheese just in case it turned out to be a disaster since it makes everything taste good.. =p

Ok so I dont really know what else to write so ima end it here=p

Tuesday 23 August 2011


I've been wanting to write a new post for so long now! I get these amazing ideas but as soon as I turn my PC on it's like the idea never existed.. =/ Sad, I know. Then I just stay logged in, in case I get an idea of what to write lol, like that'll happen..
Staying home doing nothing for as long as I have does weird things to you, it's like you don't have anything to talk/write about coz there's nothing going on in your life, (read: nothing worth writing about)
Well I'm glad things are about to change in a few days! College starts on September 6th and I'm so excited!! lol.. You know that feeling when you were a kid and you couldn't wait for the first day of school? Packing your school bag like 2 weeks before school starts? Writing your name on all your notebooks? Yeah, it's the same feeling =p Hey! You cant blame me, I've been home since November last year, it's been like almost a year!
Well I don't have much to write about now so I guess I should end this.. I doubt if anyone's even going to read this, but if anyone is, then thanks =)

Saturday 14 May 2011

The Heart Or Brain?

Trick question..

Had a discussion with dad and he got me into this confusing state.. Which is the king of our body? Brain or the heart? Almost everyone would say the brain, but how can the brain be the king? Coz if the heart doesn't work neither will the brain but if its the other way around, like if the brain doesn't work, the heart still does, right? Like people can survive with the life support thing..

Other thing is, your heart is just a muscle that has to pump blood around, it has nothing to do with your feelings etc, then why do people say stuff like, "dil kharab ho raha hai", "he/she broke my heart", "kuch khane ko dil nahi kr raha", etc.. Its not just a number of people who say this, these phrases are used all around the world. There might be a reason why the first person, to say something like this, would have said it.

According to what we study, all these feelings have nothing to do with the heart.. You get my point right?

Instead of saying, "you broke my heart" why cant we say "you broke my brain", instead of "dil kharab ho raha hai"  why not "dimagh kharab ho raha hai"? I know it sounds crazy but think about it..

Monday 2 May 2011

The Man With Nine Lives..

So I wake up and open my twitter account, all I see on my timeline is "Osama bin laden dead" bla bla bla..
Is he really dead this time? Or is it just another publicity stunt by the president of USA for the re-election campaign? You know how G. W. Bush always found a tape out of nowhwere, somewhere near the elections.. How can we be sure about OBL being dead now? The sudden burial, and that too in the sea (I'd like to have seen that) all that makes me even more suspicious.. Will Osama re-incarnate for the 3rd time? 

Ok let's just say he DID die (I hope) why is America taking all the credit? Every American just goes like 'it's all because of our army who gave their lives to serve the country bla bla bla" Where are the countless innocent Pakistanis/Muslims, who were killed, mentioned? Did their families not sacrifice?! Thousands of our troops died fighting their war and yet we still dont get any credit! Lets not forget that for every American soldier that died thousands of innocent Muslims also died or were killed.America is not the only country who had to suffer at the hands of these terrorists, many other Muslim countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen and Pakistan also suffered great losses, not to mention the discrimination Muslims all over the world faced at the hands of the West.

Don't the people of Pakistan, deserve even a 'thankyou'? Let alone a reward after all the sacrifices we made..
Our country could not prosper because of all the bombs and drone attacks, I saw images of people celebrating at Ground Zero, America has only one Ground Zero where as because of their "war on terror" our entire country is Ground Zero!

I would really like to ask Mr. Barack Obama this, now that Osama Bin Laden is dead can all Pakistanis live in peace?

Wednesday 27 April 2011


I want to go somewhere known as Nowhere.I want to meet someone who is a noone, I want to say something but in silence, I want to scream with my mouth shut, I want to run in air, I want to fly in water, I want a diamond that is priceless (free), I want a night that never ends, I want to meet people who dont pretend,  I want to see the world alone..

Thursday 7 April 2011

Just A Thought...

Yesterday when i was bored n had nothing to do my mom told me to read the newspaper(as if that was going to help) but something is better than nothing. so i grabbed the You! page and started reading.. I came across this article n really liked it, it actually did make me think, not about kameez shalwar but about how westernized our fashion is..
 Here is a part of the article its too long so I'll just write till the part that made me think this way..

In The Name Of Fashion: What Has Happened To Our Good Old Shalwar Kameez?...

By Umaid Wasim
The snow leopard is a beautiful animal found in the northern areas of Pakistan. A symbolic beast for the people of the highlands, it stands on the verge of extinction. Probably it isn't fashionable anymore. Today, Pakistan's national dress for women is heading down the same road.Probably because today's women think that the 'traditional' shalwar kameez makes them look un-cool.
 In my great search to find the 'perfect' shalwar kameez, this season I attended some lawn launches - but to my dismay, I didn't find anything even close to perfect!
  While the kameez has turned into more of a gown, the shalwars have become either shorter (Capri), way to loose (a mix of pants and culottes) or way too tight (much like skinny jeans). More horrendous than this are the extremely loose kameez's that make women look like they are wearing colorful paper bags. Going through catalogs i also spotted various models wearing a strapless 'kameez'. It seemed like total confusion
  In the name of fashion, the shalwar kameez has been given a shear towards the west. Logical thinking though says that it is fallacy. If that wasn't the case then the term ABCD (American Born Confused Desi's) wouldn't have been coined in the early part of this millennium.
  I wish our designers could've spared our national dress. It's more like saying it 14th August on 14th February . Gazetted national holidays don't change so doesn't the shalwar kameez deserve a fighting chance?

Anyway my point here is that do we really have to forget our religion to be modern? Is wearing sleeveless or strapless shirts, and Capri the only way u can be 'tagged' as modern?
the other day i was watching a fashion show with my dad n he asked me "Are these Muslims?" I laughed and said "yea". Like it was no big deal.. yea they're all wearing low back or should i say 'no' back shirts, dresses that barely reach their knees, so what? every modern person does that right?

Looking at all this I'm not surprised why our country is going to the dogs.. Since drinking alcohol, doing drugs adultery and westernized clothes have become so common and that too for Muslims, and the only time we remember Allah is when we need anything so we quickly wear a dupatta(scarf) n start praying, do you really think Allah will listen to us?

I've heard many stories about tribes that were destroyed, Allah's wrath.. Is that what's going to happen to us? If yea then I don't blame the system.

Thursday 31 March 2011

Cricket Craze..

So it's over n everyone is back to what they were doing before.. This loss will be remembered but with pride I hope..

Reaching the semis was not easy but we fought n we did it.. The credit goes to our team and ofcourse the captain Shahid Afridi, who united the team n brought the whole nation together under one flag!!

The defeat did upset many, some took it positively n some negatively.. For people who did the latter Im afraid weren't even worth the win.. 

Pakistan cricket proved many people wrong firstly those who said our team won't go as far as the quarters and secondly the fortune tellers. Which proves that the future is always unpredictable and no one can predict what has to happen. That power, only Allah has..

Our team tried their best although they did make some mistakes but we should always support them because they are OUR team and truly The Greatest Team Ever!! We should welcome them heartily and appreciate their efforts. In the end life goes on and we'll have countless victories to forget this loss hopefully InshAllah!!

Pakistan Zindabad! Cheers!   

Saturday 19 March 2011

It Ends Where It Started From!

Every Pakistani that is reading this CONGRATULATIONS on todays win against Australia!!

So Australia finally got their pride crushed by a team they said should've been banned from the worldcup, doesn't that make you feel even more better about it? =p

Todays match was indeed a tough one psychologically, the thought of playing against a 3 time in row world cup winning team with a long history of unbeaten matches, alone puts the team under great pressure but they don't call  the Pakistan team the most 'unpredictable' team for nothing =p. 

Australia sandwiched between defeats against Pakistan in 1999 and 2011.. I'm sorry if the repetition is annoying but i just cant get over the happiness =D

Now about the celebrations:
Peshawar has been loud about it=p firing, blaring music and screeches...this is the one time people are looking forward to this.. Instead of hearing my mother saying "spoilt brats" she actually said "the firing will start now *clapping* " lol amazing init?

I'm just going to end this here before i add more crap to it and make it boring=p But a few memorable shots would be perfect here! =)

Tuesday 15 March 2011

My First Blog!

I don't know what I'm going to write here but it sure as hell is going to help me get my mind off stuff. What stuff you ask? well let's just keep that a secret..

I had imagined well thought about alot of stuff to write about in my "first blog" but turns out that when i sit here on this comfy couch infront of the computer i forget everything..It has  been days since i planned on getting a blog but i'd forget what i had to write about. Today I decided to finally write, no matter what crap it was or as my link says "writing pointless stuff".

Isn't a blog all about writing whatever that comes to your mind? It is, right? 

Ugh! My mind is so messed up right now, cant really think of anything.. i guess i'll write more tomorrow about better stuff..

There, this is my first blog! Not really what i expected but hey practice makes perfect =)