Tuesday 15 March 2011

My First Blog!

I don't know what I'm going to write here but it sure as hell is going to help me get my mind off stuff. What stuff you ask? well let's just keep that a secret..

I had imagined well thought about alot of stuff to write about in my "first blog" but turns out that when i sit here on this comfy couch infront of the computer i forget everything..It has  been days since i planned on getting a blog but i'd forget what i had to write about. Today I decided to finally write, no matter what crap it was or as my link says "writing pointless stuff".

Isn't a blog all about writing whatever that comes to your mind? It is, right? 

Ugh! My mind is so messed up right now, cant really think of anything.. i guess i'll write more tomorrow about better stuff..

There, this is my first blog! Not really what i expected but hey practice makes perfect =)


  1. Cool. :)
    Yeah, it is exactly a place where you let out the very thoughts that wander your mind.

  2. It happens with me most of the time. I think of every kind of cool stuff when I'm not writing but the moment I sit down to write it all vanishes away . :P

  3. I think the keyboard makes us nervous then, since it happens to so many people, there must be a common cause =p

  4. Just eat and Drink a lot of food and coke.
