Monday 2 May 2011

The Man With Nine Lives..

So I wake up and open my twitter account, all I see on my timeline is "Osama bin laden dead" bla bla bla..
Is he really dead this time? Or is it just another publicity stunt by the president of USA for the re-election campaign? You know how G. W. Bush always found a tape out of nowhwere, somewhere near the elections.. How can we be sure about OBL being dead now? The sudden burial, and that too in the sea (I'd like to have seen that) all that makes me even more suspicious.. Will Osama re-incarnate for the 3rd time? 

Ok let's just say he DID die (I hope) why is America taking all the credit? Every American just goes like 'it's all because of our army who gave their lives to serve the country bla bla bla" Where are the countless innocent Pakistanis/Muslims, who were killed, mentioned? Did their families not sacrifice?! Thousands of our troops died fighting their war and yet we still dont get any credit! Lets not forget that for every American soldier that died thousands of innocent Muslims also died or were killed.America is not the only country who had to suffer at the hands of these terrorists, many other Muslim countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen and Pakistan also suffered great losses, not to mention the discrimination Muslims all over the world faced at the hands of the West.

Don't the people of Pakistan, deserve even a 'thankyou'? Let alone a reward after all the sacrifices we made..
Our country could not prosper because of all the bombs and drone attacks, I saw images of people celebrating at Ground Zero, America has only one Ground Zero where as because of their "war on terror" our entire country is Ground Zero!

I would really like to ask Mr. Barack Obama this, now that Osama Bin Laden is dead can all Pakistanis live in peace?


  1. Just came acroos and happened to read your blog. Excellent comments. Keep it up.
