Thursday 31 March 2011

Cricket Craze..

So it's over n everyone is back to what they were doing before.. This loss will be remembered but with pride I hope..

Reaching the semis was not easy but we fought n we did it.. The credit goes to our team and ofcourse the captain Shahid Afridi, who united the team n brought the whole nation together under one flag!!

The defeat did upset many, some took it positively n some negatively.. For people who did the latter Im afraid weren't even worth the win.. 

Pakistan cricket proved many people wrong firstly those who said our team won't go as far as the quarters and secondly the fortune tellers. Which proves that the future is always unpredictable and no one can predict what has to happen. That power, only Allah has..

Our team tried their best although they did make some mistakes but we should always support them because they are OUR team and truly The Greatest Team Ever!! We should welcome them heartily and appreciate their efforts. In the end life goes on and we'll have countless victories to forget this loss hopefully InshAllah!!

Pakistan Zindabad! Cheers!   

Saturday 19 March 2011

It Ends Where It Started From!

Every Pakistani that is reading this CONGRATULATIONS on todays win against Australia!!

So Australia finally got their pride crushed by a team they said should've been banned from the worldcup, doesn't that make you feel even more better about it? =p

Todays match was indeed a tough one psychologically, the thought of playing against a 3 time in row world cup winning team with a long history of unbeaten matches, alone puts the team under great pressure but they don't call  the Pakistan team the most 'unpredictable' team for nothing =p. 

Australia sandwiched between defeats against Pakistan in 1999 and 2011.. I'm sorry if the repetition is annoying but i just cant get over the happiness =D

Now about the celebrations:
Peshawar has been loud about it=p firing, blaring music and screeches...this is the one time people are looking forward to this.. Instead of hearing my mother saying "spoilt brats" she actually said "the firing will start now *clapping* " lol amazing init?

I'm just going to end this here before i add more crap to it and make it boring=p But a few memorable shots would be perfect here! =)

Tuesday 15 March 2011

My First Blog!

I don't know what I'm going to write here but it sure as hell is going to help me get my mind off stuff. What stuff you ask? well let's just keep that a secret..

I had imagined well thought about alot of stuff to write about in my "first blog" but turns out that when i sit here on this comfy couch infront of the computer i forget everything..It has  been days since i planned on getting a blog but i'd forget what i had to write about. Today I decided to finally write, no matter what crap it was or as my link says "writing pointless stuff".

Isn't a blog all about writing whatever that comes to your mind? It is, right? 

Ugh! My mind is so messed up right now, cant really think of anything.. i guess i'll write more tomorrow about better stuff..

There, this is my first blog! Not really what i expected but hey practice makes perfect =)