Sunday 27 October 2013

Main Hoon Shahid Afridi!

I finally watched the movie! Yes, I know I'm late but better late than never.

Truth is, we don't have any cinema's here (the ones playing Pakhory Badmaash don't count) so, I had to wait for a good print to watch it online and finally found one via google. (What would I do without it!)

Now, let's get to the movie! I read quite a lot of reviews, some good some bad, people called it a Chak De rip off, some went all crazy and stuff "OMG SHAHID AFRIDI!! EEE!" (Who said that? Not me, na-uh.) and others said La haula wala quwat. I, personally, loved it! Lollywood no longer reminds me of "LOL", We finally have some really amazing movies to take credit for. Bol, Khuda Ke Liye, Chambeli, Zinda Bhaag, Waar and of course Main Hoon Shahid Afridi, all these movies have finally restored our faith in Pakistani cinema. Let's hope they keep coming up with even more!

The movie was a complete package, drama, suspense, comedy, thrill, air punching at the Miandad moment, it was all there. Everyone played their characters really well. We really need to give our actors the credit they deserve. Humayun Saeed was brilliant through-out the movie, I didn't really like the rockstar version of him in the end though. Javed Shaikh, as usual, was really good too and as for a favourite, I'd definitely choose Maulvi, his dialogues in Pashto and Urdu had me laughing through-out! (not biased at all!) "Ye tumhare papa k liye" was hilarious!

Now, I'm no critic or anything, I'm just an ordinary person who watches movies to pass time and so found the movie to be very entertaining, which is the purpose of all movies. The music, however, needs some improvement, apart from "jera vi ae aande" there wasn't any song worth remembering. The acting could be better too but with what we have to work with, this was pretty impressive, way better than Moammar Rana and Shaan. Thank God we're moving on! 

All in all this movie is a must watch for all cricket lovers, I'm pretty sure people have watched it already but for those who haven't, what are you waiting for? 

Thursday 1 August 2013

And I Thought...

As I was leaving the room, I saw a baby lizard right next to my foot, I panicked and let out a horrendous shriek. The poor fellow was probably as petrified as I was, maybe even more, it scampered away just as I was about to shut the door and got caught in it. For a minute I was like "phew! Thank God it's gone!" but then it hit me, it was tiny and couldn't possibly have gotten away. I felt so guilty in those few seconds, I actually was afraid of opening the door to find the tiny little thing squashed and dead. I contemplated before opening it and when I finally did, to say I felt guilty would be an understatement.
I know it was just a lizard and I shouldn't be feeling so bad about it but I do. It was tiny! :(
So when I told my mum that I accidentally squished a baby lizard, she grimaced followed by a "tsk tsk".

Anyway, my point is, if I felt so bad about killing a poor little lizard how is it that all these people killing other innocent people do it without even a shred of guilt? How are they still alive, doing it over and over again? Does saying it's for some holy(not) cause make them feel better about it? Where has their humanity gone? I'm not exaggerating when I say I actually thought about what the baby lizard's last thought would've been. How can these terrorists/murderers kill innocent people just like that? Do they not feel guilty?

Sunday 28 July 2013

Afridi All The Way Baby!

Ok, first of all, I don't hate Misbah, not anymore. Mohali was a bad experience but I eventually forgave him. I mean come on how could you not temporarily hate him for that?

Usually if you say you're an Afridi fan, people automatically assume you hate Misbah or vice versa.

Here's what I think. You see, Misbah is a dependable player, predictable too. We know how he plays, wastes quite a few overs but makes up for them later, slow and steady wins the race, eh?
But cricket is a game, we're supposed to enjoy it. Sure every one loves winning but at the end of the day, it's a game, a source of entertainment and if we sit there watching a boring match then what's the point? This is where Afridi comes in, boom boom, everyone's on their toes, no one knows what he has in store for us, could be a duck, could be a 100 in 36 balls, literally ANYTHING can happen!! Then he starts smashing the ball everywhere! Everyone's screaming their lungs out, people are cheering him on, every time the ball's in the air we have a mini heart-attack but it makes the distance and then he gets his 50, takes his helmet off and runs his hand through his hair, oh his hair!! What beauty! He starts batting again, destroying the bowlers, people going bonkers now! After an amazing knock he's caught but, faith in the game: restored!!

Then his bowling, dot balls, maiden overs, barely any runs given and when things aren't going right he looks around the ground while messing with his hair, analyzing the situation, then a wicket! How we've waited for \0/ Is there anything better?

Oh and when someone from the other team says/does something nasty, he just goes up to him like "you messing with me brah?" naah you don't mess with the Pathan, man. Apart from that he's all smiles, just don't provoke him.

If this doesn't make you love the guy then his humble message to everyone back home, thanking Allah & his appreciation for the team sure will in the presentation. Always so lively, you feel whatever he's feeling that's how awesome he is.

But then there are some who will think of me as just another fool. You guys can go on living your sad lives, Lala all the way baby!!

It's always about the team first and Afridi is literally the life of ours!

Monday 22 July 2013


So I was going through all my posts here on blogger and I noticed just how serious all of them were and has anyone noticed, I start my sentences with 'so' a lot? I just noticed lol (need to come up with a better word). Anyhoo back to the serious posts, I swear I'm not like that in real life mostly, at times ok whatever but I''m not all grr grr okay? Ok.

Friday 19 July 2013

My Two Cents.

We've all had those times when there were some things we wanted to write about but somehow we just couldn't get to actually write it. Well I've had that for quite a long time now, I don't remember how many times I've logged into blogger and then unfortunately had to log out.

But now there's this "issue" that I'd really like to write about. I'm calling it an issue because that's what our people have made it into. A simple,very unfortunate though but a very simple to understand for even the stupidest people, thing happened. Malala Yousafzai, the "Jewish conspiracy" as some refer to her, got shot in the head. Now let it be clear that she did not get shot for being a girl seeking education in the "terrorist producing country i.e Pakistan" she got shot simply for raising a voice against the barbarians who call themselves the taliban. After this most people don't use this word for what it means. "talib" means student, taliban is the plural form, now if someone refers to you as a talib, well God help you then, because America might let lose a drone aimed straight for your bedroom.

The taliban are promoting violence in the name of Islam, not understanding that Islam is a religion about nothing but peace, it teaches us to be good humans before teaching us to be good Muslims, many might argue about this, but a fact's a fact. How many stories have you read of the Prophet SAW killing someone simply because they didn't agree with what he said? Now, how many have you heard about him preaching peace? Have you read the following verse from the Quran: "let there be no compulsion in religion"? What do you make of this verse? Does it tell you to force religion down someone's throat or does it tell you to be patient, to preach what you know but not force people to follow what you preach? Let them make their own choices. Are they not sane adults? Can they not differentiate between right and wrong?

Anyway, back to my point, Malala, the little girl who happened to be the victim,one out of many, who got exposure. I've heard people applauding her courage and I've seen people calling her an agent who's part of a conspiracy. I, however am not part of both.Where I admire her courage and strength to recover from such a traumatizing incident I would like to criticize her a little, not much, don't worry don't go all moral brigade on me. She got shot for raising her voice against the terrorists (I refuse to refer to them as taliban) and that's something! But with the exposure she got she should've portrayed a better image of Pakistan, not ridicule it further. As Pakistanis, living abroad, some of you might have gotten the cold stare from some islamophobe or for being a 'bloody paki terrorist" isn't that an insult enough? Shouldn't we be building a positive image instead? I mean we're already known as terrorist and now we're known as cowards afraid of an educated woman. The whole of Pakistan isn't like that, I happen to have gotten all my education from Peshawar, in the very same province that is now known as a terrorist hub, and I have never faced any problem re my education, being a woman. There are many more in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Quetta, and other cities. This incident has portrayed us, collectively, as a nation that has failed to give the women an equal right to education. Our country hasn't taken the right away from us, the terrorists have taken the right of peace and freedom of speech away from us and no American forces or any other power can fix that till we do something about it ourselves. Our leaders are all laid back since oh well, America's handling it, who cares if a dozen other people die in the process, as long as I get to sit in my air-conditioned room/office and enjoy this amazing cup of tea!

Oh and don't go blaming the Jews or any other non-muslims for putting us in this situation, the problem lies with in us, even if they are conspiring against us, we shouldn't give them a chance to get involved in the way OUR country is run.

With the exposure that Malala got and when she flew to the UK as an ambassador of Pakistan and got the honour of speaking in the UN assembly, it was her duty to portray us as a peace-loving nation who want an end to the power that these terrorists now have over us. Instead of giving the image of women living as slaves here and no one wants to do anything about it, she should've been speaking against the bacteria that SOME areas are now infected with and that something should be done to rid us of them. Just like when a cut on your finger gets severely infected you amputate the finger, instead of saying your entire body is infected. She should've appealed to the current govt. to laumch a mass killing spree or something against this, this plague!! Idk, something that could've benefitted us in some way.

I sincerely hope that Malala, her friends and other victims of terrorism and American drone strikes all get the opportunities to complete their education and accomplish all their goals. But I want them , if they get a chance, to talk about Pakistan positively! This is our country, our responsibility and righting all the wrongs is our duty. As they say, 'your shit, you clean it.'

Monday 8 October 2012

A Eulogy For My Grandfather.

  For those of you who don't know me, my name is ____________ and I want to say a few words in memory of my Grandfather.

  My grandfather lived an exciting and remarkable life, one that inspired me greatly. His adventurous nature and broad range of interests made him an amazing person to know who always had tales to tell.

  One day he would tell me how he'd missed his final board exam because he'd had a football match and the next he'd be showing me historical artifacts and places he'd help uncover and show to the world.

  He was generous and patient with his time and affection. He always took an interest in the people he met and it was very rare that he would not engage any person that he met any where at any time.

  My grandfather pursued his many endeavours diligently and with honesty and he expected the same of us too. He was philosophical in his approach to life. Never displaying anger or impatience instead facing everything with a great dignity. Never stopping in the face of failure. He used to say to fail is not a crime but to give up when you fail is one of the greatest.

  I will miss his tales of his adventures in faraway places, his perspective, his humour and his encouragement. I'll miss the surprising depth and scope of his knowledge.

  I will miss one of the greatest men I will ever have the fortune to meet, my grandfather, may his soul rest in peace.

(Credits: My sister)

Tuesday 7 February 2012


You know that feeling when you just want to stay away from everyone and lock yourself up in your room? Where all you do is either read or listen to some music..You feel weird, upset in a way but you have no idea why, coz everything in your life is perfectly fine, so you're still wondering where all these sad vibes are coming from..

Then when you sit and think about it, you realize how much your life has actually changed.. Nothing drastic but the little things have changed.. I remember when i actually had lots of things to do, my friends and I used to be talking all day about weird things, my mom was surprised at how we could be talking ALL day after spending like half the day together, she'd be like "don't you guys get sick of each other?" i'd just laugh it off of course.. I miss em.. My old friends, from school.. We're all in different places now.. Haven't met since idk when.. I do have more friends now but they're just not the same as the ones I grew up with.. But that's just how life is, people come and go, and there's nothing we can do about it..

Back then I hated reading, thought it was boring.. Just looking at those books made me sleepy.. Heck! It took me 3 months to finish reading one tiny goosebumps book.. I'd doze off after reading half a paragraph and now its like the opposite, I'm reading ALL THE TIME! I used to be so annoyed when my sister would read n I'd just sit next to her talking n talking but she'd be so engrossed in the book she hardly even blinked, I see myself becoming like that now..

I'm not saying its a bad thing but I miss the old times, somehow they were happier.. Stupid, small things made me happy.. The happiness lasted longer too.. Now, things do make me happy but it just wears off, you know.. Sigh-

I know I'm rambling, I feel emo today.. Been a few days actually.. This post is so confusing, I don't think ima put it up, its 4/12/11 9:20 pm right now.. Lets see when I actually post this..