Tuesday 7 February 2012


You know that feeling when you just want to stay away from everyone and lock yourself up in your room? Where all you do is either read or listen to some music..You feel weird, upset in a way but you have no idea why, coz everything in your life is perfectly fine, so you're still wondering where all these sad vibes are coming from..

Then when you sit and think about it, you realize how much your life has actually changed.. Nothing drastic but the little things have changed.. I remember when i actually had lots of things to do, my friends and I used to be talking all day about weird things, my mom was surprised at how we could be talking ALL day after spending like half the day together, she'd be like "don't you guys get sick of each other?" i'd just laugh it off of course.. I miss em.. My old friends, from school.. We're all in different places now.. Haven't met since idk when.. I do have more friends now but they're just not the same as the ones I grew up with.. But that's just how life is, people come and go, and there's nothing we can do about it..

Back then I hated reading, thought it was boring.. Just looking at those books made me sleepy.. Heck! It took me 3 months to finish reading one tiny goosebumps book.. I'd doze off after reading half a paragraph and now its like the opposite, I'm reading ALL THE TIME! I used to be so annoyed when my sister would read n I'd just sit next to her talking n talking but she'd be so engrossed in the book she hardly even blinked, I see myself becoming like that now..

I'm not saying its a bad thing but I miss the old times, somehow they were happier.. Stupid, small things made me happy.. The happiness lasted longer too.. Now, things do make me happy but it just wears off, you know.. Sigh-

I know I'm rambling, I feel emo today.. Been a few days actually.. This post is so confusing, I don't think ima put it up, its 4/12/11 9:20 pm right now.. Lets see when I actually post this..