Tuesday 23 August 2011


I've been wanting to write a new post for so long now! I get these amazing ideas but as soon as I turn my PC on it's like the idea never existed.. =/ Sad, I know. Then I just stay logged in, in case I get an idea of what to write lol, like that'll happen..
Staying home doing nothing for as long as I have does weird things to you, it's like you don't have anything to talk/write about coz there's nothing going on in your life, (read: nothing worth writing about)
Well I'm glad things are about to change in a few days! College starts on September 6th and I'm so excited!! lol.. You know that feeling when you were a kid and you couldn't wait for the first day of school? Packing your school bag like 2 weeks before school starts? Writing your name on all your notebooks? Yeah, it's the same feeling =p Hey! You cant blame me, I've been home since November last year, it's been like almost a year!
Well I don't have much to write about now so I guess I should end this.. I doubt if anyone's even going to read this, but if anyone is, then thanks =)